Massimo Florio
‐ Professor of Public Economics ‐
EUsers summer school on Service of General Interest
Critical perspectives on Energy, Telecommunications, Transport and Water Reforms. June, 27th – July, 1st 2016

I coordinated the EUsers summer school on “Performance and Governance of Services of General Interest. Critical perspectives on Energy, Telecommunications, Transport, and Water Reforms in the EU“.
The EUsers Scientific Commitee received more than 580 applications (representing more than 70 nationalities, 300 educational institutes and including around 200 PhD students). 35 participants were selected and admitted to the school. They represented, overall, 20 nationalities, 27 European educational instututes and included 21 PhD students. All the selected participants to the school are working in the fields of Economics, Public Economics, Social Studies, Political Science.
The school had an international dimension, including participants selected from different countries (both within and outside the EUsers Network participating universities). Students were exposed to ongoing research, which is being disseminated by the EUsers Network. Training activities relied on a combination of face-to-face lectures (in the morning) and hands on sessions (in the afternoon).
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