Tuesday, March 11, 2025
September 18, 2017 | Events | By MG

Milan Summer School on Cost-Benefit Analysis, VII edition

Participants: "This was the best training I have participated". September 18th – 23rd 2017, the event took place in Palazzo Greppi, via Sant'Antonio 12, Milan

I was involved as Scientific Director and lecturer at the VII edition of the Milan summer school “Cost Benefit Analysis of Investment Projects: Principles and Sector applications”. The School focused on the ex-ante appraisal (Cost Benefit Analysis) of Major Projects asking for co-financing under the European Structural and Investment Funds in the Programming Period 2014-2020.
The School faculty included experts from the team involved in the preparation of the new edition of the Guide to Cost Benefit Analysis of Investment Projects, including its authors, technical advisors and academic peer reviewers. The following institutes were involved:

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