Massimo Florio
‐ Professor of Public Economics ‐
Society for Benefit-Cost Analysis: 2017 Conference
Improving the Theory and Practice of Benefit-Cost Analysis. 9th Annual Conference and Meeting, Washington DC
I joined the 2017 Annual Conference organised by the Society for Benefit- Cost Analysis and focused on the issue of improving the theory and practice of benefit cost-analysis.
My presentation focused on the ‘Human Capital Benefits of Big Science: Evidence from Early Career Researchers at CERN’.
For more details on the background of this presentation:
- Florio, M. with Camporesi, T., Catalano, G., and Giffoni, F., “LHC Premium” for Early Career Researchers? Perceptions from within, available here.
- Florio, M. with Camporesi, T., Catalano, G., and Giffoni, F. 2017. ‘Experiential learning in high energy physics: a survey of students at the LHC.’ European Journal of Physics, 38, 2.
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