Wednesday, March 12, 2025
January 4, 2013 | Media, Others | By MG

Left Futures. Forward thinking for the democratic left

2013: The year to commit to roll back the failed privatisation juggernaut, Michael Meacher, Jan 4th 2013

“[…]The most authoritative analysis of privatisation in Britain – The Great Divestiture: Evaluating the Welfare Impactof the British Privatisations 1979-97, by Massimo Florio – utterly destroys the myth that privatisation has led to any long-term gains in productivity or efficiency, and documents the major costs in terms of welfare and communal benefit[…]”


My book, The Great Divestiture, has been quoted by Michael Meacher in his article about attempts at privatization in Britain.

Click here to read the full article.


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