Massimo Florio
‐ Professor of Public Economics ‐
XIX Milan European Economy Workshop
State-Owned Enterprises and Innovation in Public Services in a Post-Pandemic World, 30 June 2021
2021 Society for Benefit-Cost Analysis Annual Conference Awards
19 March 2021, Richard Zerbe Distinguished Service Award to Massimo Florio
33rd CIRIEC International Congress, Thessaloniki - Greece
Publicly-owned enterprises and social economy: which strategies in economic, social and environmental transitional processes? 4-6 June 2020
XVIII Milan European Economy workshop
The socio-economic impact of investment in science, 25-26 June 2020
Book Launch - Investing in Science
Prof. Massimo Florio's book presentation at CERN - Globe of Science and Innovation
Brussels Colloquium on Societal Impact by ECOOM VUB
“Investigating the societal impact of research: Past achievements and future developments”
Society for Benefit-Cost Analysis: European Conference 2019
The first European conference of the society was held at the Toulouse School of Economics, November 26-27
Future Circular Collider Conference - FCC Week 2019
Fifth International Future Circular Collider (FCC) Conference that took place in Brussels, 24-28 June 2019