Massimo Florio
‐ Professor of Public Economics ‐
A contingent valuation experiment about future particle accelerators at CERN
Article by Massimo Florio and Francesco Giffoni released by PLOS ONE
Science, innovation, and public services: editorial introduction
Stefano Clò & Massimo Florio (2020), Journal of Economic Policy Reform, 23:1, 1-15
HE-LHC: The High-Energy Large Hadron Collider
Future Circular Collider Conceptual Design Report Volume 4, by the FCC Collaboration
Investing in Science
A proposal for using cost-benefit analysis to evaluate the socioeconomic impact of public investment in large scientific projects
Quality of institutions and productivity of State-Invested Enterprises...
...International evidence from major telecom companies, Castelnovo, P., Del Bo, C. F., & Florio, M. (2019). European Journal of Political Economy, 58, 102-117.
The economic impact of technological procurement for large-scale research infrastructures...
...Evidence from the Large Hadron Collider at CERN. Paolo Castelnovo, Massimo Florio, Stefano Forte, Lucio Rossi and Emanuela Sirtori. Research Policy, Volume 47, Issue 9, 1853-1867
The socio-economic impact of a breakthrough in the particle accelerators’ technology...
...A research agenda. Massimo Florio, Andrea Bastianin and Paolo Castelnovo. NIMA, Volume 909, 21-26
Big science, learning, and innovation: evidence from CERN procurement
Massimo Florio, Francesco Giffoni, Anna Giunta and Emanuela Sirtori. Industrial and Corporate Change, Volume 27, Issue 5, 915–936