Sunday, March 9, 2025
August 31, 2018 | Publications, Articles | By MG

LHC upgrade brings benefits beyond physics

A recent analysis of the cost and benefits of the high-luminosity LHC reveals a quantifiable return to society in terms of scientific, economic and cultural value.

August 22, 2018 | Publications, Working papers | By MG

Scientific Research at CERN as a Public Good: A Survey to French Citizens

Massimo Florio and Francesco Giffoni. CERN Working Paper, Future Circular Collider, Accelerators and Storage Rings

August 22, 2018 | Publications, Working papers | By MG

The Value of Human Capital Formation at CERN

Gelsomina Catalano, Massimo Florio, Valentina Morretta and Tommaso Portaluri. CERN Report: Future Circular Collider, Accelerators and Storage Rings

May 18, 2018 | Publications, Working papers | By MG

Social Cost Benefit Analysis of HL-LHC

Andrea Bastianin e Massimo Florio. Working paper CERN: Future Circual Collider, Accelerators and Storage Rings

December 4, 2017 | Publications, Articles | By MG

Should governments fund basic science?

...Evidence from a willingness-to-pay experiment in five universities. Massimo Florio, Francesco Giffoni and Gelsomina Catalano. Journal of Economic Policy Reform

January 9, 2017 | Publications, Articles | By MG

Experiential learning in high energy physics: a survey of students at the LHC

Tiziano Camporesi, Gelsomina Catalano, Massimo Florio and Francesco Giffoni. European Journal of Physics, Volume 38, Number 2

November 15, 2016 | Publications, Articles | By MG

Forecasting the socio-economic impact of the Large Hadron Collider...

...A cost–benefit analysis to 2025 and beyond. Massimo Florio, Stefano Forte and Emanuela Sirtori. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Volume 112, 38-53

November 14, 2016 | Publications, Articles | By MG

Social benefits and costs of large scale research infrastructures

Massimo Florio and Emanuela Sirtori. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Volume 112, 65-78


State-Owned Enterprises in Developed Market Economies
Cambridge University Press - Authors: C.F. Del Bo, M. Florio, M. Frigerio, D. Vandone - Forthcoming 10 February 2025
Which Europe. To know, discuss, choose
"The European Union has a central role to play on the road to social and environmental justice for all of us [...]"
Some questions on the future of R&D on Covid-19 vaccines
A conversation between Massimo Florio and Giuseppe Remuzzi - WP CSIL N. 01/2024
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