Massimo Florio
‐ Professor of Public Economics ‐
LHC: Cost-Benefit Economic Analysis to 2025 and beyond
Interview with the economist Massimo Florio, professor at the University of Milan
CIRIEC, le réseau pour l’économie publique et l’économie sociale
On February 25th 2015, CIRIEC organized an International Conference on the Future of Public Enterprise at the Ministry of Economy and Finance.
Left Futures. Forward thinking for the democratic left
2013: The year to commit to roll back the failed privatisation juggernaut, Michael Meacher, Jan 4th 2013
The New York Times. Article by Rachel Donadio
Rachel Donadio, Corruption Is Seen as a Drain on Italy’s South, October 7th 2012
The New Zealand Herald. Article by Brent Sheather
Brent Sheather, SOE sales - tell me why again?, 29th August 2012